Traveling to Portugal is more popular than ever, and with good reason! Unfortunately, learning Portuguese can seem intimidating, but I promise you can learn and easily use these 12 phrases to make your next trip easier for you and your new Portuguese friends!
One of the things that makes Portugal such an incredible place to visit is that most Portuguese people speak English, even in smaller towns.
But if you want to literally stand out from the crowds, a few words can go a long way! Here are 12 useful phrases in Portuguese that will have you looking like a local.
Easy Portuguese for Tourists
- Hello – Olá
- Bye – Tchau
- Good morning – Bom Dia
- Good Afternoon – Boa Tarde
- Good Evening – Boa Noite
- Thank You – Obrigada (if you’re female) Obrigado (if you’re male)
- Excuse Me – Com Licença (pronounced li·sen·suh)
- Sorry – Disculpe
- Yes – Sim
- No – Nao
- Please – Por Favor
- Do you speak English – Você fala inglês
Even a simple, “Olà” and “Obrigada” goes a long way toward respecting your host country and language.
Have a favorite language tip for Portugal?